Continuous production in the harshest environments Large areas with high layer thickness Extremely high pressure rates and large discharge volumes Ideal for automatic coatings and paint materials The air motor runs without oil, is quiet and has a low icing rate. Material pumps and high pressure filter are made of stainless steel, easy to maintain. The compact maintenance unit is mounted directly on the air motor. All parts in contact with the material are made of stainless steel. Equipped with a functional construction, large wheels, eyebolt for easy lifting, crescent key holder and suction line. With an ergonomic design, wear and tear are minimized and easy maintenance is provided in the equipment used on the compact set. With its new oil-free, extremely quiet and 'anti-icing' air motor, the Wiwa Herkules GX series is a dynamic and powerful addition to our airless product range. Thanks to its strong physical structure, it can be equipped with long hose and multiple guns.
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