
ALT TC 9000 is thermoplastic road marking paint application truck model which is commonly used in intercity divided roads and highways.

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ALT TC 9000 is thermoplastic road marking paint application truck model which is commonly used in intercity  divided roads and highways. The short drying time of thermoplastic paint provides the advantage of application without hindering the traffic. Used paint does not harm the environment because of the paint components not contain volatile substances.  In addition, it is the application truck of thermoplastic paint, which has a higher permanence among road marking paints than one component paints. It meets the needs of municipalities with one team-one application truck without the need for a pre-heater truck. With the helical system, the risk of explosion of thermoplastic tanks is eliminated and the safety of our customers is ensured. The tank at the back can be used both as a preheater and as an application tank and this feature provides great comfort and ease of operation in our municipal applications.
  • ENGINE Min. 80 hp diesel motor is used. Engine provide power to all hydraulic and electrical systems of the vehicle superstructure.
  • CAPACITY Paint application tank ( horizontal or vertical) 3500 kg x 1 unit (airless) with helical system Pre - heater or paint application tank 3500 kg x 1 unit( airless) with helical system
    Glass beads tank capacity 800 l
  • COMPRESSOR The air requirement of the system is 5 m3/min. It is provided with the compressor capacity.
  • SLEDGES Right and left sliding up-down manuel sledge
  • GUNS 2 units air thermoplastic paint guns(1 gun on the left side, 1 gun on the right side)
    2 units glass beads gun (1 gun on the left side, 1 gun on the right side)
    Line spacing and width can be adjusted by moving the guns
  • LINE CONTROL SYSTEM The line control unit is a touch screen and has 5 language options.
    (Turkish, English, French, Arabic and German)
    Records to memory all kinds of line forms in highway norms.
  • GUIDE POINTER Guide pointer can be lowered and raised pneumatically or hydraulically.
  • WARNING EQUIPMENTS 1 unit Led arrow signalization 2 units Led warning signalization 1 unit on board beacon lamp ( It may vary depending on the vehicle model )


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