It is a solid business partner designed for professionals. It has a light, portable structure with a weight of 13.6 Kg. Ideal for residential, business, light segment industrial applications and liquid polyurethane injection. It is a technological assistant that can be your first step to professionalism with its ergonomic structure and can reduce labor, time and waste paint cost to a minimum. With 15 meters of standard hose equipment, it can be positioned at a point farther from the application area or vertical work can be done without using scaffolding. With an extension that can be integrated into the gun tip from ceiling painting, ladder etc. equipment is decommissioned. It is effective in the application of lacquer, varnish, thin epoxies and silicone paints as well as in the application of all interior and exterior paints, except for grainy paints. Working with 220 V, 390 PC can operate in all environments where electricity can be supplied.

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It is a solid business partner designed for professionals. It has a light, portable structure with a weight of 13.6 Kg. Ideal for residential, business, light segment industrial applications and liquid polyurethane injection.
It is a technological assistant that can be your first step to professionalism with its ergonomic structure and can reduce labor, time and waste paint cost to a minimum. With 15 meters of standard hose equipment, it can be positioned at a point farther from the application area or vertical work can be done without using scaffolding. With an extension that can be integrated into the gun tip from ceiling painting, ladder etc. equipment is decommissioned. It is effective in the application of lacquer, varnish, thin epoxies and silicone paints as well as in the application of all interior and exterior paints, except for grainy paints. Working with 220 V, 390 PC can operate in all environments where electricity can be supplied.
  • Brand / Model GRACO / 390 PC
  • Max. pressure 227 bar
  • Max. flow rate 1.8 lt / min
  • Weight 13.6 kg
  • Max. nozzle diameter 0.019 ''
  • Engine power 5/8 hp
  • Working type 220 V

Construction Industrial Furniture LightMax. nozzle diameter industries in used


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